You're arriving at work.
(set: $mood to (prompt: "What's your mood today?"))You feel $mood.
You enter the building via the revolving doors and swipe your card at the door to the passage. The light flashes red.
[[Main door]]
You push the door, but it refuses to open.
[[push the door]]
[[swipe again]]
[[look round for help]]
you push the door,{(if: $maindoor is "open")[it's heavy, but swings open<br>
[[walk through]]]
[[push the door]]
[[swipe again]]
[[look round for help]]
You swipe your card again.<br>{
(if: (count: (history:), "swipe again") > 2)[
The lights flash green.]
(set: $maindoor to 'open')
The lights flash red.
[[push the door]]
[[swipe again]]
[[look round for help]]
(set: $reception to (random: 1, 2))
{(if: $reception is 2)[The receptionist smiles and waves you through<br>
[[push the door]]]
[[You can't see anyone]]
You're standing outside the lifts.
There's a doorway to the stairs.
[[go through to the stairs]]
[[push the lift button]]
You walk through the door and start to climb the stairs. After 3 flights you're feeling slightly out of breath, and also slightly smug.
You walk onto the third floor, push a door open, cross the glass bridge and push another door open.
[[Walk through reception and into the main office]]
[[Say hi to the staff in reception, then walk through to the main office]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.
[[swipe again]]
You barge through reception without speaking to anyone and head for your [[desk]].
You greet the human beings in the reception area with a $mood hello.
Double-click this passage to edit it.